Call of Prev

Image from the mobile game

Gaming workshops for schools and youth institutions

In the "Call of Prev" workshops, which lasted several days, young people could delve into various aspects of gaming. Modules in programming, character design and narrative design were available. Classic games sections were combined with common youth culture practices. For example, avatars could be designed and drawn in the graffiti workshop. Using the computer game "Adamara" designed in the project, young people gained new gaming experiences, got to know the game and exchanged ideas about their own social experiences touched by the game. In the accompanying editor, they then could become creative themselves. Gaming experts accompanied the young people during their first steps and also took into account the different levels of prior knowledge of the young people.

Game Design Workshop

In this workshop, the young people could try their hand at game development and add their own quests to the Adamara game. The young people learned to create complex game worlds, to locate their avatars and quests in the mapping of the game, to link quest actions and to make decisions. As the youth played and created the game - and shared their decisions - they also processed their life experiences touched by it, which sometimes were shaped by discriminatory or racist and/or sexist experiences and could include corresponding encounters with manipulative and recruiting actors.

Anita from Adamara

Character Design Workshop

In the character design workshop, young people devoted time to creating avatars. This workshop also explored the question of which characters are often found in computer games and what effect these characters and avatars have on the players. Which avatars would the young people like to see in computer games and what should they look like? In an artistic way, the young people approached the topics of social representation and inequalities in gaming and society.

Storytelling workshop

This workshop was about dialogue, interaction and relationship. One of the main elements of many games are the dialogues of the main characters. What language is chosen in the game and how are the participating players addressed? In this workshop, the young people themselves could choose the setting of their game and write the dialogues between the characters - and thus decide where the journey of their game went. In the course of this, an exchange about human rights-oriented attitudes, but also about discriminatory language and social exclusion mechanisms emerged.