International projects
Countering Oppositional Political Extremism through Attuned Dialogue
National projects
EXchange Brandenburg
Mobile measures for prevention and deradicalization in prisons and probation.
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Fachstelle Rechtsextremismusprävention

Consulting, training and exchange for pedagogical professionals on the subject of right-wing extremism.
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fa:ve – Fachstelle Verschwörungserzählungen
Certified further education on conspiracy narratives
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Group Work with Young People
Group work with young people from diverse backgrounds – a resource for resilient communities
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MiA – Mädchen im Austausch
Strengthening gender-reflective and girl-specific prevention in Berlin
Narrative Group Work
Holistic political education at schools in rural and small-town areas.
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Past International Projects
Networking and strengthening European prevention projects
Cooperative Harmonized Action Model to stop Polarisation in Our Nations
Supporting democratic civil society in Ukraine through blogging.
Developing and identifying local exit and disengagement programs in Europe.
Central and Eastern European Network for the Prevention of Intolerance, Discrimination and Group Hatred
European network for a non-violent and dialogue-oriented approach to value conflicts and for the promotion of exchange between civil society organizations.
Community Counteracting Radicalisation, based on a strategic partnership between five European organisations from France, Germany, Italy, Austria and Denmark working in the field of preventing violent extremism.
Exchanging good practice in strengthening community-embedded prevention of group-based enmity, hate crime and violent right-wing extremism.
Development of an online platform to support the self-evaluation of prevention practitioners.
Builduing resilience to radicalisation through open-access educational resources
Biographical-narrative and media-supported intensive pedagogical work with young radicalized people
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The EU-funded project WomEx examined gender roles, especially those of girls and young women in violent or extremist scenes.
Past National Projects
Linking game-culture and cross-phenomenon prevention work
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Needs analysis for a secondary prevention project for girls* and young women* in the context of combating Islamism and group-hatred in Berlin.
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Intersection counseling for youth work in Berlin-Neukölln
Development of a textbook for advisors in the field of environment and distancing work in religiously based extremism
Counseling center for people affected by conspiracy narratives in Berlin
Gender-specific youth work with boys*.
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Radical, fundamentalist, different – professionals in contact with radicalization
Inclusive youth culture workshops in Berlin, Germany.
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Professional Orientations of Child and Youth Welfare Services for Working with Children and Adolescents from Familial Radicalized Environments.
Locally embedded Derad-Training for first-line-practitioners
Cross-phenomenon political (youth culture) education to strengthen human rights and democratic attitudes.
Model project for gender-reflective prevention of racism and group-hatred
A joint project of the music label Springstoff and cultures interactive, in which we worked with refugee and non-refugee Berliners on hip hop & skateboarding.
Trainings for youth at risk of radicalisation and a locally based center for the prevention of radicalization
Cultures Interactive was from 2015 to 2019 in the framework of the federal program "Demokratie leben!" a specialized agency for youth cultural education.
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A project for youth cultural inclusion of young people with and without disabilities.
Testing of lifeworld-youth-cultural formats to strengthen human rights attitudes, questions of identity, and engagement with ideas of (in)equality.
Builduing resilience to radicalisation through open-access educational resources
Additional qualification accompanying studies on dealing with right-wing extremist phenomena in various areas of social work and formal education.
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Workshops and material development on historical-political education about collective violence and experiences of injustice.
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Development of an action concept for working with right-wing youth in open youth work in rural areas in eastern Germany.
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Students at a Berlin elementary school go on a search for clues about right-wing extremism and civic engagement in their district.
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Youth cultural workshops and qualification of a peer-leading team that advocates for inter- and youth-cultural respectful coexistence .
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A course for young people that supports them in developing social, civic and professional skills in the transition from school to work.
Development of new methods of cultural and civic education
Initiation and monitoring of sustainable processes of youth cultural participation with the aim of promoting democratic and cultural diversity in different regions.
cultures of berlin has empowered young people to help shape their own lifeworld.
Against Discrimination and Violence on the Football Court
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