Test phase for a mobile counseling office in association with youth work

A low-threshold child- and youth-oriented individual case counseling from a cross-phenomenon perspective on experiences of racism, sexism, exclusion, bullying or violence is not yet anchored in Berlin. In order to install such a service in the future in close cooperation with youth work, PONS! held initial group discussions with various actors in 2021 and tested short-term counseling sessions as needed. In addition, PONS! has already made contact with children and young people in the district through a lifeworld-oriented political education program. In addition, the necessary service structures and methodological approaches of a mobile counseling office were discussed together with youth workers in a workshop. This resulted in a concept for a mobile counseling office for Berlin-Neukölln in cooperation with youth work at the end of 2021.

Counseling in conjunction with youth work

PONS! is intended to be a flexible and youth-oriented counseling service for children and young people in Berlin-Neukölln who are affected by discrimination, exclusion, bullying or violence. The mobile counseling service aims to empower young people who are affected by attribution and affiliation conflicts. In addition, PONS! wants to strengthen a discrimination-critical, open exchange between children and young people with different experiences and sensitize them to misanthropic messages and content.

Mobile workshops and counseling services for children and young people

In the work of cultures interactive e.V. with children and young people, it has been shown time and again that talking about one's own experiences is a central building block for the prevention and avoidance of radicalization with regard to inhuman and violent attitudes. This is what cultures interactive e.V. is building on with PONS! Through mobile youth culture workshops, in which a lifeworld-oriented political education and youth cultural practice are closely linked, initial, in-depth conversations with young people are to be created. The processing of one's own experience of discrimination and empowerment serves at the same time to prevent authoritarian actions and attitudes.

The mobile youth culture workshops will take place in different youth facilities in the district. Methods of gender-reflective as well as inclusive youth culture work will be used, as well as principles of cross-phenomena political education and narrative conversation. Special attention is also paid to the need for gender-sensitive offerings. The mobile workshops offer space for an initial exchange, for example on issues related to gender, origin, living together, democracy and politics. At the same time, group dynamics can be observed and, in the best case, directly reflected upon. This results in starting points for further counseling sessions with children and young people.

Project duration of the needs analysis

July 2021 to December 2021
