Together We Can!
The workshops
Final Forum in October 2020
On October 23rd and 24th, our joint final event - the ‚Final Forum' - took place in Chernihiv. In cooperation with out partners from the Ukrainian Human Rights Foundation, the project leaders of Cultures Interactive and The Anti-Discrimination Education Society, the Polish and German Workshop leaders as well as international experts connected via video conference in Chernihiv. The project participants and the regional project partners from Sumy and Chernihiv met on site.
Together we looked back on our newly gained experiences and insights as well as on the highlights and challenges of the project. In a panel discussion we exchanged views with international experts on current developments in the field of human rights in Ukraine and Europe. In ‚Blog Slams' the project participants presented their experiences on basis of the blogs that were written within the project. At the end, we discussed ways in which the work of the young people can continue and to have an impact beyond the project.
We would like to thank all the wonderful people who participated in this project and filled it with life.
Fair Skills Training in July 2020
From July 7th to 10th the trainers Magdalena Swider (TEA) and Wiebke Eltze (CI) conducted the first 'Together we can! training' with young people in the Ukraine. Unfortunately the trainers were not able to travel to the Ukraine as originally planned due to the Corona pandemic. Nevertheless, Magdalena and Wiebke embarked on the big adventure with video conferencing, a camera person, and with the support of our Ukrainian partners on site (UHRF). The training could be arranged almost as a 'normal' one.
During the Fair-Skills Training the participants gained new knowledge regarding different forms of discrimination, factors of radicalisation as well as insights into youth cultural approaches to prevention work. With the help of interactive exercises, the participants became aware of the great importance of developing and conveying a human rights-oriented attitude. One approach to developing and conveying this attitude lies in youth cultural practices. During the training, the participants worked out the overlaps between human rights-oriented and youth culture topics, which they then can pass on to a wider audience through blogging.
Equipped with new knowledge, ideas and friends as well as tips for inclusive blogging, the young adults left our Fair-Skills Training after four days. A big thank you goes to our trainers who, despite the physical distance, created a space for the participants in which they could exchange views dealing with sensitive topics.

Advocacy Training in July 2020
"Advocacy is a way to make your voice louder and to make the world a better place" – this is how one of our participants put it rightly after the training. The focus of these trainings was set on how participants can successfully advocate for relevant social issues, both online and offline.
Together with the participants our teamers Magdalena Swider (The Anti-discrimination Education Society, Poland) und Wiebke Eltze (Cultures Interactive) worked out numerous ways to reach different target groups for specific topics. The main subject oft he training was inclusive blogging, which is supposed to inspire and involve as many people as possible for different social issues - be it for being sensitive regarding discrimination or for creating an environmentally friendly and resource-saving world.
The advocacy trainings were again conducted as a video conference with participants from two Ukrainian regions: On July 27th and 28th with a group from Chernihiv and on July 29th to July 30th in Sumy.
Further Timeline
Blog Cafés: from September until November 2020
Local Roundtables: in November 2020
Final Project Forum: between October and December 2020