KlassikClubCultures (KCC)

News methods of cultural and civic education

KlassikClubCultures (KCC) was created in a pilot project in cooperation with the Klassik-Stiftung Weimar and the Weimar-Jena-Akademie. Innovative methods of cultural and political education were developed and, in addition to youth-cultural content, content from classical-civic educational culture was also specifically used.

The main aspect of KCC was to invite young people who had had little contact with cultural places such as museums, castles and libraries to experience the history presented in Weimar in a way that was suitable for young people. The result was a 5-day course concept for truly intercultural encounter workshops: The art of paper cutting met graffiti art, literary history of Weimar Classicism was combined with rap texts, classical music was made tangible with digital music production.